Minutes   CCCRINC   November 7, 2002   7pm

 Members Present: Andy W, Paul & Lindy M, Delbert & Charlotte D, Marge B, Peter T, Janice C.     Members Absent: Trevor W, Tracy D          Visitors: Tiffany K.
              Meeting called to order by Delbert at 6:00 PM    Minutes and treasurer’s report approved unanimously. CORA letter received giving specifics of grant and outlining our responsibilities and theirs. Discussion ended with unanimous agreement to sign contract with CORA. Signed by President and will be completed and sent in by Secretary.
          After an informal discussion with an attorney of Petition to Deny a unanimous agreement was reached to consult to seek to locate a media attorney about the validity of the petition and possible action on the behalf of ClayFM. Secretary will contact attorney and supply him with copies of appropriate paperwork.
        Unanimous vote to reimburse Peter T for Domain name charges at Go Daddy in the amount of $20.
       Members were given posters to put up around the county for the Shooting  Match November 16th. Plans were finalized for the event at the Delbert and Charlotte Davis farm. A notice will be put in the Free Press as well as the Communicator.
       Agreement was reached to record new music and announcements this weekend for use in the upcoming weeks. members are to call Andy to set up tomes to use his donated equipment. Discussion of what we would like to add to our programming.    Discussion and agreement that we need to start regular schedule of recording  anticipation of going on the internet airwaves.
       Refreshments were provided by Charlotte Davis and were enjoyed by everyone.
       December meeting is set for Thursday, December 5th at 6 PM. for meeting and  Christmas party.
Prepared by Marge Bragg


Clay County Communications, LTD
Minutes, January 28,2003

Meeting called to order by Delbert Davis, President at 6:15 PM   Members present: Janice Colegrove, Charlotte & Delbert Davis, Marge Bragg, Andy Waddell Members absent: Peter Triplett, Paul & Lindy Myers, Tracy Dobbins, Jim Perdue
Visitor: Sarah Good
Minutes and treasurers reports read and unanimously approved.

Old Business:

   Gas Line- talked to Mr. Habjam about gas service. Testing revealed that the existing line is leaking and to put new line under the road would cost about $500; to sleeve $200 plus. Vote to hold application and use electric for the time being.
    Electric- Demand meter is not functional. We will be billed at business rates with adjustments to previous bills because of errors in demand billing. If demand exceeds 650-700 kwh then we will be required to install demand meter. Key given to Leonard Williams to read and move meter to the outside of the building at Elk Power's expense. They will do ASAP so as to not interfere with broadcasting.

New Business:

   Grants: Marge contacted state Culture Center and got an overview of 2 possible grant sources( Challenge America and a Media Project)for underserved communities and youth. They will send brochures and have given us helpful information on programs. We must meet a March 1st deadline on the $ for $ grant and they will review. As soon as we receive the packet we will schedule a meeting and give this priority.
   We also will contact our legislators for Budget Digest $$ for EAS equipment and emergency generator.
   CORA- We received, and deposited in savings. our first installment on our CORA Grant. We will prepare a packet for them and invite them to our Open House .
    Rockefeller input to FCC: Unanimous vote to continue working with Wes Holden who will send the letter on our behalf to the FCC. He will contact us tomorrow with FCC requirements for service.
    Workforce Investment: Andy and Delbert met with Scott Bass and Andy did follow up. Unanimous vote enter into contract to request 6 young adults to start 3rd week in February. They will be limited to 20 hours a week, 200 hours total. Job titles will be News Gatherer, Audio Operator and Manager. We will get resumes and interview for the positions. Andy will do the contract.
    Loan: Motion passed with 1 abstention to apply for a loan of $ 2730 at a local bank to fulfill the grant proposal from CORA and use CORA $$ to repay. Mike Lockhart said we can apply locally. We need copy of minutes authorizing the loan and By Laws setting forth officers.
    Purchase of Clay Radio: Discussion of whether to purchase Clay radio from Delta or to buy new equipment. Pros and Cons discussed and unanimous vote to buy out Clay Radio with $2000 down( contingent on securing loan). Investor in Clay Radio will write off the $ 500 still owed him or her and donate that in kind to our new station. We will, therefore, owe Clay Radio an additional $505. ( Copy of sale proposal attached).
    Timeline for on air broadcasting: Unanimous vote to have premier broadcast on march 7, 2003 beginning at 6 PM. This will be the 7 year anniversary of our incorporation. We will hold a 50/50 raffle, selling tickets in advance and drawing the winner on the air.
    Fundraisers 2003: Plan to hold 2 shooting matches, 2 music shows, 50/50 raffles and 2 Open Houses.
    Recording: Sunday, Feb 2, 2003 after 11 am we will meet at Delta to record broadcasts and get back on the air on donated airtime. Sarah, who is considering being a volunteer  leader for our youth will come to see what we do in the studio.
   Phone Service: Andy has been in contact with phone company. We will need ( unanimously voted to request ) line be run to the station, Andy will apply. He will also continue to try to contact the representatives that may be able to give us donated High Speed Internet.
    Webmaster: Vote to pay Paul Smith $50 for services already rendered in setting up our website. he will make changes as we take over Clay Radio and we will pay additional charges at that time.
      Web fee; Vote to advance Peter the $$ to pay our web host fee for the coming year.  Delbert will donate archive sleeves and Marge, Sarah and Delbert will donate binders
     Next meeting: February 25th at 6 PM.


Clay County Communications, LTD
Minutes, February 25,2003

Meeting called to order at 6:00 by Delbert Davis, Pres.   Members present: Andy W. Sarah G. Marge B. Delbert D. Dave R.
Old Business:
January Minutes unanimously approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report unanimously approved as read.
Andy is still waiting to hear from Frontier about free DSL. He will call again this month.
Letter was received form Workman’s Comp stating that we are exempt from coverage. It was forwarded to Scott Bass who will call us in a week to set up student interviews. We will discuss with him the interview process and decide on what questions are relevant and what references, etc we can request.
Burt Nichols will come and check out our electric heat. Andy will make arrangements for him to do so.
Grants- we do not qualify for the Arts in Ed grant because we must be partnered with a school.
We will concentrate on the Toshiba grant and Budget Digest. Marge and Delbert and Sarah will meet to do the grant writing.
New Business:
Bank loan (secured by grant) was obtained from the Gassaway Bank. Purchase down payment was made to Delta and equipment transferred.
Worker’s Comp letter received and on file.
Continue existing programming for a few weeks until open house is over.
Andy has contacted Hershel Shamblin. Delbert will contact him and go to the Golden Age club to see if members there are interested in volunteering.
Security issues discussed. Back up generator, insurance, doors, etc. Marge is working to get insurance and will contact more agents and get estimates.
We have phone service 586-8353 and have a donated phone and purchased an answering machine.
Andy will print up membership forms and add membership form info to the website.
Open House, March 7 at 6 PM. Charlotte will be in charge of refreshments and will call other members for help. Andy will print flyers.
Interview of students tentatively set for March 8th pending info from Scott Bass.
Andy will print 50/50 tickets for open house.
Marge requested and got okay by unanimous vote to debit bills and to pay recurring bills without individual vote.
Charlotte will make a sign (material donated) with our web address for outside of building, large enough for cars to read driving by.
Delbert will construct wheelchair ramp outside, weather permitting.
Unanimous vote to pay Paul Smith another $50 after website updates.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM
Next meeting March 25, 2003 6:PM


Minutes March 25, 2003
Clay County Communications LTD


Meeting called to order by D Davis, pres. 6:10 PM

Members present: D. Davis, M. Bragg, A. Waddell, P. Triplett

Visitors: J. Dozer, R Cantrell

Old Business:

1&2February minutes and treasurers report unanimously approved.

3.No response yet re: free DSL. We will delay one month and Andy will try to make another contact.

4.Insurance companies are getting very restrictive with new policies. We have quotes of $500-$700 for property liability and $ 1700 Board of Risk. We will investigate costs further and decide on an insurer next month.

5.Sen. Randy White has told us that Sen. Shirley Love has expressed an interest in the budget Digest for the station, Our request was submitted and we are hopeful. We should hear by July 1, 2003.

6. Scott Bass, HRDF is out of town until Thursday. We are approved for 6 students. He has a sign up sheet for those interested and we can set up interviews when he returns.

7. Grant has been submitted to Toshiba. A copy was made available for members to read.

8. We will contact Wes Holden at Rockefeller’s office re our FCC request to follow up (Marge)


New Business:

1.Discussion of available times to interview student workers. Andy will contact Scott and arrange, hopefully for Tuesday evening. We will have a special meeting after interviews are complete. Andy will call us to notify of interview times.

2.Andy will contact Lonnie Burchett at DHHR to ask about Welfare to Work recipients to work as adult supervisors for the students. Jeanna Dozer has volunteered 4 hours a week. Delbert will contact Senior Center (Hershel Shamblin), Andy will contact CDC.

3.Delbert will prepare a press release with Rose’ help to announce where we are with the station, membership drive, recruit volunteers, etc.

4.Budget monthly voted and approved unanimously (Loan secured by grant, not included)

$ 73 telephone

$ 30 electric

$ 30 internet

$ 10 web host

$ 2 Sect, State

$ 30 misc

$ 50 DSL

$ 225 TOTAL

5.We will begin membership drive. Articles in paper, on website, HE White Yard sale on April 5 from 8-2. Delbert, Rose and Andy.

6. Marge will contact Big Otter Senior center for date for May Music Show. May 10th or 17th 12 t0 4.

7.Web host has been changed due to problems with down time on old host. Paul Smith made the changes and no interruption. It is free for a 2 month trial. Andy secured with credit card and we will reimburse in 2 months if we are satisfied with the host.

8.Delbert will do desk extension this week. Marge will ask Cliff to do the coat hooks and shelf, Andy, Pete and Delbert will look at storage solutions in the attic. Peter will, within 4 days. come to the station to learn how to do the changes in broadcast as a back up to Andy.

9. Unanimous vote to authorize Andy to purchase remote recording and broadcast equipment at $160 or less.

10. ClayFM has given a letter of support to Lynn Romano for her work with solid waste authority.

11. Donations( see donation log)

12. Due to other commitments, Marge Bragg resigned as Secty/Tres, but willingly agreed to stay on as a record keeper and grant writer for Clay FM.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45



Clay County Communications
April 22,2003


Members Present: P. Triplett, A. Waddell, P. & L. Myers,

D. Davis,



S. Goode, M. Bragg, T. Kerns, E. Greenlief, R. Cantrell and sons S. Johnson, A. Truman


Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM


Old Business:

Progress report by A. Truman. HRDF employees have completed their first documentary on Drugs in the schools and we had a screening of the finished product. Motions made and passed to: Purchase snacks for workers weekly; purchase glare screen for computer (Andy), purchase guest book and thank you cards for people who drop in and help us (Anita), purchase literature sorter for mail(Andy),.
Andy will contact Dave Reese re: donated computer; Rose will contact school board. Insurance-discussion about WV Insurance as a source. Anita or Rose will get contact info to Andy.
Bluegrass show at Big otter on May 10th. Senior center has been reserved and Andy has contacted some groups this week. We will appoint a kitchen chairperson. Rose has agreed to do the PR for the event.
Monthly expenses are within guestimates.
DSL Andy will again contact Rick Umberger. We can wait one more month.
Budget Digest has not yet been announced.

New Business:

Voted to pay Sarah and other volunteers $3.00 each time they stay with the youth workers. Retroactive to first day she came. ($650 total for all volunteers.)
Anita reported on the interviewees and we hired Ashley Drake and Sarah King to start May 5th. Laura Moore and Jesse Mahan will start June 1st.
Rose Cantrell was voted on the Board of Directors.
Andy gave a report on his visit with the LPFM license holder in Roane County and a field trip will be planned for after the Music show.
Delbert reported on Dennis from Charleston who will be volunteering with us.
Discussion about having student members on the Board. Anita will select. Vote to have 2 positions for students as part of their career progression.

Meeting adjourned 7:35 PM

Next meeting May 27,2003


TUESDAY JUNE 24 2003 6:00 pm
Meeting Agenda
Public Encouraged to Attend

Toshiba Grant update
Vote on 2 station policies
Vote on bylaw change
July 5th Open House
DHHR worker update
Donations received in last 30 days
Restocking petty cash fund
July CORA Conference
DSL service
New Computer Arrival
Change in Telephone service since last meeting
Membership Campaign Update

Playlist Change
LIVE broadcasting
FCC Update

Clay County Communications, LTD
May 27, 2003

Meeting called to order at 6: 00PM by peter T.   Members present: Andy W, Peter T, Paul M, Tracy D, Samantha B, Eric G     Visitors: Marge B, Lindy M, Fred S, Sarah G, Denise T, Charlotte D, Ashley D, Wendy   Absent: Delbert D.
Minutes read and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s report read and unanimously approved.
Old Business:
?        CCHS progress update given by Andy. We have 4 students working and 2 to start 6/2/03. They have completed several documentaries and are learning to use the MP3 recorder and to use Sound Forge.
?        Jesse Mahan and Laura Moore are to start June 2nd. Laura may stay at her current assignment but we have interviewed 2 others who are ready and willing to start.
?        Insurance is a priority. Discussion about what should be covered. Tracy will talk to his agent and get info to Marge ASAP. We want property liability and contents.
?        May 10 Bluegrass Show. We broke even. We had excellent donations from businesses, and great volunteer musicians. Discussion included suggestions to have our next fundraiser elsewhere, to be more aware of the name of the activity, to use in county musicians, why we had a poor showing (weather, timing, etc) Samantha suggested a program for students and will look into using the skating rink an bring a report to the Board in June.
?        Andy will call the Spencer LPFM station to schedule a road trip in the next few weeks,
?        Andy contacted the Charleston DJ but has not had a reply.
?        FCC letter to Peter Doyle, Chief of Audio Division, presented by Marge to the group. We are awaiting a reply.
?         Each member, please email Marge with amounts and items or time donated in the last several months. We need these in-kind donations documented!
?        Tracey will talk to his dad about mixer and mikes and Sam has a source she will explore for donated radio equipment.
?        Toshiba has postponed announcements of grants until June 30, 2003.
New Business:
?        We received Budget Digest $$ 4000 and $ 2500. Thank yous are to be sent by Marge to our senators and representatives as well as Gov. Wise.
?        Motion and second after discussion of need to purchase a new computer, limit $375 and a new MP3 player up to $200. Both needed for new student group and unanimously passed.
?        Our CORA request will be for a project “Exposing the “Do Not Get Involved policies”
?        Unanimous decision not to do a big 4th of July activity. Too much, too soon.
?        Motion by AW Second by Tracy to appoint Rose Cantrell as Marketing Director. Motion passed
?        Fred Sampson agreed to paint the up on the roof, white wooden sign.
?        Decision made to postpone vote on by law changes until he next meeting. In addition to the change in wording to paying $20 as the only way to become a member, Fred Sampson suggested that an addition change be made to split the duties of the Sec/Treas. To two separate positions.  Suggestion made to include this as a discussion item for the next meeting
?        Discussion on duties for new Marketing Director. Consensus of assembled: Marketing Director will handle monthly press releases for the group and manage the membership campaign for Clay FM
By Law copies handed out. Discussion on need to make other by law changes to insure continuity of program goals and directions. Will be on next agenda
Discussion on live365.com’s notice of higher rates coming June 1 2003. Live 365 is the streaming agency for our Internet signal.
Discussion on the need for two deep leadership at all times while CCHS workers are on the job; the need for the Board to make more time for such while DHHR workers are in short supply. Mention made that Sean Krajesku has been contacted to check the availability of paid workers from his program who could serve as adult supervisors. Sean is to reply sometime this week with answer. Member Fred Sampson suggested that we go back to completed survey from two years ago and call up the people who said they would help us.
Discussion on Gail Dunn conversation from earlier Tuesday May 27. Dunn says she has a worker ready to come to work at Clay FM as soon as DHHR repairs the person’s vehicle. According to Dunn, the worker should be ready to interview next week. Dunn will contact Andy on the matter.
Volunteers for this week are: Wednesday May 28  AW and MB; for Thursday Tracy, Pete from 5:15 to 6pm; for Friday, nothing for sure but Tracy will email Andy concerning his availability for Friday.
Meeting adjourned 8:40pm


Clay County Communications
June 24, 2003 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at the station with opening at 6pm.
Present: Tracy Dobbins, Eric Greenleaf, Dave Reese, Sarah Goose, Fred Sampson, Rose Cantrell, Peter Triplet, Andy Waddell, Jim Perdue
Motion made and passed to approve policy # 2 for the P and P manual
Motion made and passed to change by law article 3 to read: any person may become a member of this Corporation by payment of $20.00 annual dues. The change deletes the following 11 words: or in lieu of dues, services in kind may be substituted.
Decision made to hold an informal open house yard sale fund raiser July 5th in the afternoon with Andy, Sarah and Charlotte Davis volunteering to help. Jim Perdue volunteered to round up some musicians for the event.
Motion made and passed to provide CCHS worker Eric Greenleaf  a $50 excellent service stipend.
A list of donation for the last 30n days was passed around. Donations: telephone, Pete, $25; snacks, Sarah and Andy, $15; batteries, Andy, $5; Long term loan, monitor, $20, Dave Derby; monitor, Marjorie Dale Mullins, $25.; monitor, Ray Woods, $20; ethernet card, $15, Pete; Complete PA system with mixer, 4 mics and all cables, $800, Don Dobbins; strips memory (loan), Delta Corp, $20; memory (loan), $40, Pete;  30 gig hard drive (loan) , Delta Corp; dictionary, $5, Lindy Myers; snacks, $5, Andy; snacks, $8, Marge Bragg.
Motion made and passed to add $15 to the station petty cash fund.
Discussion on attending a CORA conference July 17 18 2003 with Andy, Eric and Marge ( not in attendance)  tentatively going.
Clay FM now has DSL service , $50 per month. Also, Andy changed the phone service to the most basic plan reducing the monthly cost from $72 to $30.
Membership Campaign Report: to date: 24 at $20 each.
Public relations Chair Rose provided two PSAs for immediate release. Board consensus on wording given.
VP Pete Triplett announced Clay FM was successful with their WV Budget Digest request for $6500.00 in monies for emergency broadcast equipment, station security and emergency back up generator. Triplett felt the money will arrive mid 2004 at the earliest.
Fred Sampson completed his project of painting the overhead outdoor sign on top the station with Charlotte agreeing to paint the windows in the front and rear.
Mention made that Boardster Tracy Dobbins’ “loaner” computer was working great and the loan period was about to expire.
Computer guru Dave Reese gave a brief report on how “live” broadcasting will work when set up. Set up was about finished with July 5th set as the  date for the maiden voyage of real time broadcasting.
Marge Bragg gas continued to correspondence and telephone communications with the FCC. Currently Marge is awaiting reply from a Supervisor and has sent a firm request for assistance. As of meeting time, no response. Frank Murphy suggested contacting Congresswoman Capito’s office for assistance. Board agreed with Andy saying he would make the contact.
Station listenership statistics were announced. Listenership and average listening time increasing greatly as well as listener locations discussed.
Treasurer’s Report to date: Beginning balance May 27 $499.21 (savings) and $499.21 ending in savings. June 24th 2003 ending balance in checking: $650.00.
Meeting adjourned 7:39pm

Minutes prepared by Andy and Rose


Clay FM Board Meeting
July 22, 2003   6pm

Present: Peter Triplett, Andy Waddell, Sarah Goode, Jim Perdue, Eric Greenleaf
Motion by Andy Second by Eric to accept June meeting minutes. Unanimous vote
Finances, $504 in savings and $710 in checking, no vote taken
The July 5th Open House netted right at $100.
CCHS worker Eric Greenleaf reported:  the station is under staffed; new DHHR worker Nicole is  learning quickly and she and Eric are working on a World War II veterans documentary; there is a background noise problem when working on “Irene” computer and no answer is in sight for the issue: the new “live” broadcasting  is now available and they have been experimenting with it; and, the hope is that more CCHS students will be working at the station in August.
Andy reported that there are still issues getting connected with the “live” relay broadcasting method.
Shelly Moore Capito’s office was contacted to intervene with the FCC log jam in getting LPFM license. Andy reported that Capito’s office reported back, the new FCC rule eliminating petition’s to deny over competition issues does NOT apply to LPFM applicants. Motion by Jim with second by Eric to  file a Clay FM petition to deny against the Sutton station as well as the Syner Foundation over their attempts to gain access to our frequency. Unanimous vote.
Consensus given to print up more Clay FM brochures and pit at various businesses around the county as well as find a site (empty store front) for a membership campaign poster for Clay FM. Pete and Andy will work on a slide show presentation to debut during the Golden Delicious Festival in Sept 2003. Decision made to establish a “donation” jar or can at the station for the public.
Discussion on security at the station and the need to lock up money collections. Jim Perdue volunteered to put a lock on one drawer or the file cabinet and change the front door lock. Pete will make new keys for Board members and a list of who has keys will be established.
Motion by Pete, second by Jim to pay $100 to Angie Dobbins for the new to us “Dave” computer. Payment to come from July 5th proceeds.
Motion by  Andy, second by Jim to pay Dave Reese $40 from CORA mileage stipends for many trips to the station while setting up the live broadcasting operation.
Consensus to have Marge Bragg to determine the membership list and make sure that all on the Board are members. Letters seeking dues will be distributed to any non paying volunteers.
Clay FM will participate in the Golden Delicious Festival, Saturday Sept 20 with an Open House, hot dog sale, yard sale from 2 till 6pm
Decision to host a yard sale at the station August 9th from noon to 5pm. Volunteers include: Jim, Andy , Pete, and Sarah will ask Nicole to help out.
Andy reported that property and liability insurance for the station will cost around $750 a year with quotes from M & R Insurance, Board of Risk, and Lively Insurance. Consensus: Check with Sharon Roebuck and bring info to next meeting.
Pete will dig up a copy of Quick Books to maintain financial control.
Meeting adjourned 7:25pm

Minutes prepared by Andy Waddell


AUGUST 26,2003

Meeting called to order at 7:15     Present:Peter T. Marge B., Andy W., Anita T.      Absent: Jim P., Tracey D., Paul & Lindy M., Delbert and Charlotte D., Eric G, Rose C.

Old Business:
Minutes and treasurers Report postponed until September meeting.
Rose and Andy have set up a financial program to track expenses, income and which funds are used for expenses. Marge, Andy and Rose will met this weekend to complete input of YTD expenses and income. Rose will then take over keeping the records.
Computer Slide show has glitches and is not working, but almost ready to be set up for public viewing.
Moved and approved unanimously to change meeting time and date to accommodate board member Paul Myers who can only come on Mondays. Andy will contact Tracey and Paul, the remaining board members who have not paid the yearly dues.
Live broadcasts took place 5 days last week.
Members are invited to travel to bentwood to meet with Brian French, who has an up and running station at Benwood.. Marge, Andy and Peter expressed an interest in the trip and Andy will make arrangements with Brian and get back to them.
Membership campaign has slowed to a crawl, but we will be refocusing at the Apple festival.  We are behind projections. A three-panel display has been finished and will be set up in storefronts around town. Anita will make contacts with businesses.
Andy read a list of donations since last month. The public continues to support us in small ways.

New Business

Andy and Pete will research the cost of a back up power supply for the computers. Last week we lost info to due electrical flicker that was not stopped by surge protectors.
We will postpone technical support hire until we are further along. Pete and Andy will continue to donate time to that effort.
Rose will do the Secretary /Treasurer work. Marge will do grants. Jim will be asked to take the Secty/treas position on the Board.. Names on bank accounts will have to be changed.
Sarah has agreed to thank you to all donors.
Rose will be asked to design and publish a quarterly newsletter for dues paying members to keep them up to date on out progress. She has designed new brochures that are being distributed.
We will have a yard sale/ bake sale/ carwash for the Apple festival on Sept. 20th. Members will be asked to donate time and talent. A local musician has offered to perform.
Anita has gone above and beyond to make things happen here at WYAP. She gave a report on the pane, the fundraisers and what is going on daily. Needs include broadcast booth in back room.
Lucy Cruikshank has 2 probationers (status offense) who may be good employees. She will be back in touch since we expressed an interest in giving them a try.
Motion made and unanimously approved to reimburse Andy for supplies purchased for station and to grant Anita a stipend to help with expenses she incurs as a volunteer.
Andy will wait a month or so for reimbursement for the Dave Reese equipment that he purchased for live broadcasts.

     *****************************NEXT MEETING:  SEPTEMBER 29, 2003 1PM************************************


Clay County Communications
Board Meeting Sept 15 2003  1pm

Present: Pete T, Andy W, Sarah G, Marge B, Paul M, Lindy M, Rose C, Larry Hunt, and one sick kid outside in a van
Absent: Jim P, Delbert D, Tracy D.
Handouts provided: server stats, Correspondence to Senior Center, Membership list, flyers for Sept 20 open house, and rough copy of Financials.

Pete Chaired the meeting.  Petty Cash balance needs no increase at this time; computer slide show will be ready for Apple Festival with Larry working to change the hard drive on oldest puter; All Board members have now paid their dues;  2 battery back up power supply units have been purchased; and Pete got the used printer installed and networked between Bert and Irene.
     Jim P has been contacted abut assuming the title of Sec/Treas. No answer from Mr. P yet.
     Marge B agreed to bring in some handmade thank you cards for Sarah G to begin mailing to  station supporters.
    Seven new members signed and paid in Aug 2003.
    A quarterly news letter will be sent out after the Apple Festival keeping all members informed of our efforts
    Paul and Lindy will donate aluminum cans to station for resale.
    New DHHR worker Larry H has strong computer background and is currently working on: reformatting oldest puter, painting orange on the outside of building, and will begin remodeling the broadcast booth
   Workers for the Sept 20th Hot dog, Car Wash and Yard Sale: Anita Truman and three kids, Larry H, Marge B ( half day) and Andy. CCHS students will also work. Larry will bring the cole slaw, Sarah will bring the chili. Food for sale: hot Dogs, Nachos and cheese, and pop along with baked goods from Marge B. Action starts at 9 am and is expected to finish around 5pm.
    Pete gave a report on the Benwood road trip at Bryan French’s station. Lots was learned on equipment needs. Found out there is a glitch on our FCC construction permit requiring a permit “minor modification” request. Marge B will contact FCC before mailing form.
 Motion made by Andy, 2nd by Lindy to provide Pete T a CORA stipend for $50 in expenses incurred on Benwood trip in Aug 2003. Motion passed.
     Motion made Marge B, 2nd by Paul M to repay $10 each to Pete and Andy for purchases of 2 battery back up systems. Motion passed.
  Consensus to hold another yard sale in Oct at the station and some kind of a music show in Nov or Dec as fund raisers. Possible site for music show: HE White Elem. Suggestions made to contact Bud Keen and at least one Gospel Group.
   Marge B applied for the Whittaker Grant. They have 60 days to respond if interested.
   A boom box  and speakers have been installed upstairs which will allow for the public to hear the broadcasts 24 hours per day. We are in need of a yard sale priced boom box to replace the loaner. He replacement unit does NOT need to have working speakers.
    Andy gave an update on Elk Power’s decision to add demand meter charges to our bill . after checking with Billy Greg at the WV PSC, Leonard Williams can legally do such. Marge B will talk with Williams about over the issue and further action may be taken at that time.
    Motion by Paul M , 2nd by Andy to begin offering student memberships for $5.00. Motion passed with a by laws change vote coming in 30 days at next meeting.
   Motion by Paul M 2nd by Pete to approve Aug 2003 meeting minutes.
  Motion by Andy 2nd by Paul to adjourn at 2:35pm

Minutes prepared by Rose and Andy


Board of Directors Meeting
Nov 23 2003   1pm

Old Business
Sept Meeting Minutes
Oct Meeting Minutes
Treasurers Report and pay expense   Rose
CORA 2003 Balance  Rose
Membership Campaign update
New Grant Update   Marge
Budget Digest ($2500) Update  AW
Listenership stats    AW
Fund Raiser Person   AW

CCHS station update   Eric
Station facilities (roof leak) Jim P
Christmas party and Election of Officers
Start Business Sponsorships
Resources Update   WV Public Radio and Roane Station
Purchase of transmitter, antenna, and location of tower

Anything else? New ideas? New members?

Clay County Communications
Board Meeting Oct 27 2003

     Present: Peter Triplett, Andy Waddell, Marge Bragg, Jim Perdue, Sarah Goode, Henry White, Wanda Chambers, Scott Bass, Dana Perkins.  Absent: Tracy Dobbins, Paul Myers, Delbert Davis
 Approval of Sept meeting minutes was dispensed with, no copies available. New financials posted to today’s date provided all,  $782.58 in checking and $504.81 in savings. No new petty cash advances needed at this time.   Motion by Henry W, second by Dana P to reimburse Andy W $150.00 for mixer, cd player, cables. Motion passed unanimously.
 Only one new member has been added in Oct 2003.
 Denise T has been asked to be in charge of fund raising activities. No word yet from Denise on the OK. Previously the Bd approved a combination  yard sale, hot dog sale and music show to be held indoor on a Saturday In Nov or Dec. Scott B suggested to be a part of a Nov 8 Fall Festival activity at Valley Fork Elem. Another suggestion: hold a Volleyball Tournament.  Andy will approach Anita Truman about hosting such an event in the near future.
 Since the last Board meeting, Andy and Henry constructed a new broadcast booth in the back room. Cost for materials , less than $50.00. Booth was put into operation Oct 20th.
 Motion by Andy, second by Dana P to allot up to $200 to repair or replace the electric heater. Discussion on buying baseboard electric units, wall heat pump, or a propane wall unit. Motion passed unanimously.
 New station employees Henry White and Wanda Chambers were introduced as was visitor Scott Bass.
 Andy gave a report on the recently attended CORA Conference where it was announced Yap Radio was awarded a $4200 grant for 2004 operations. Andy said new brochures and web site wordage needed to reflect our strong commitment to improving life in this county. New brochures were passed around for proofing and corrections.
 Motion by Henry W, second by Dana P. to use any remaining CORA money to purchase a lap top computer for remote use and slideshow presentations. Motion passed unanimously.
 Decision made to change the station door locks. Jim P said he would donate a new lock with Peter T saying he would make a bunch of copies of the key. Jim is to replace the lock Tuesday Oct 28 2003. Decision, no vote, to begin offering on air sponsorships. Decision to start broadcasting public meetings as soon as possible.
 Wanda C will open the station Oct 30th for Trick or Treat. In addition to handing out candy, new brochures will be given away.
 Scott B opened a discussion on purchasing and using the old state road garage as a community center or leasing out space to other non profits. Andy  reported Board Chair Davis suggested we purchase the building to house our operation and offer a place to hold music shows and year sales.
 Andy reported conversations with a radio engineer who has offered to “scarf up” a 30 watt FM radio transmitter and antenna for our use. Additionally, new member John Brown has offered to install solar panels on the roof to provide a source for electricity at the station.
 Finally, Sarah G needs more thank you cards and a return address rubber stamp will be purchased for the station.
 Meeted adjourned at 2:35pm.
Minutes prepared by Andy


Clay County Communications
Board of Directors Meeting
Nov 24 2003

Present: Jim Perdue, Wanda Chambers, Dana Perkins, Sarah Goode, Andy Waddell, Amy Foreman, Rachel Roop, Samantha Johnson, Janice Colegrove.
Absent: Everybody that didn’t come

Sec/Treasurer Jim Perdue presided over the meeting

    Motion by Andy second by Rachel to approve Sept 2003 meeting minutes Passed
     Motion by Andy second by  Wanda to approve Oct 2003 meeting minutes. Motion passed
    No treasurers report was presented.
    Discussion on better wording to make listening to the radio station easier.  No decisions made but will be looked into.
     Discussion to make our radio presence better known in the area via local and regional news outlets. Also to circulate flyers and brochures on membership campaign. Consensus to ask County Clerk to include a radio station brochure in the Welcome Wagon packets handed out to new residents in Clay County
    The three panel WYAP poster is on display at the Clay library and will be moved to the Courthouse along with brochures and cards
   The additional paperwork to secure the $2500 Budget Digest emergency services grant has been completed and mailed to the DHHR as per request
    The planned Dec fund raiser will be an indoor yard sale, music show and hot dog sale.
 CCHS worker Rachel Roop provided a station update which included: Eric G has been moved to a CCHS Supervisor slot with  Samantha J moved to audio technician position; station needs include the purchase of a new USB cable to replace a lost one; the need for a wide broom and a regular straw broom;  the need for Policy #4 to be approved; Samantha J is the lead person to start a CCHS newspaper to be used as a fund raiser; and the roof above the broadcast booth continues to leak.
    Motion by Andy second by Samantha to purchase the brooms. Motion passed
    Motion by Samantha , second by Jim P to accept Policy #4 Motion passed
    Motion by Andy second by Jim P to move the next Board meeting to Dec 20 at 3pm and include a Holiday party as part of the Board meeting. Motion passed.
   Motion by Andy second by Samantha to purchase all broadcast equipment to get WYAP on the FCC airwaves. Motion passed.
   Andy advised the assembly that part 3 of the fund raising campaign would begin Dec 1 2003. Part 3 is business sponsorships and underwriting of internet programming including: on air sponsorships; advertising on the building and tower; and  ads on the clayfm web site.
    A long list of donated items from Nov 2003 was read to the group
    The Board was reminded that a vote to reimburse Andy and Pete had passed but the funds had not been distributed
    Motion by Andy second  by Jim P to out $15 into the petty cash funds. Motion passed
    Motion to stipends from CORA grant to Sarah G. Motion passed
   Meeting adjourned at 2:35pm

Note: all motions passed unanimously unless otherwise noted.
Minutes prepared by transcribed by Andy Whttp://www.dailyrotten.com/